Superdrive Publishing is no longer in business.
When Victor Pride shut down his blog Bold and Determined, he also shut down Superdrive Publishing.
I read B&D for years, and it's sad to see all the useful information on it disappear.Here are a list of websites (the ones still alive) that Victor recommended in his newsletter "5 Star Fridays" that you may be interested in reading:
- John Doe Bodybuilding (Author of Becoming The Bull)
- Ed Latimore
- Life Math Money
- The Bear's Words of Wisdom
The books he recommended and considered his personal favorite (as quoted from his old book recommendations page):
Think and Grow Rich – by Napoleon Hill. This book completely changed my life and taught me one very important trait you need to be successful – positive thinking. I've said it a hundred times and I'll say it one hundred more – this is the book that changed my life by changing my mindset.
Arnold: The Education of a Bodybuilder – by Arnold Schwarzenegger. Motivational books just don't get better than this book by the great Arnold Schwarzenegger. This is the most motivational book I have ever read in my entire life. Arnold grew up in the backwoods in Austria and went on to become a celebrity bodybuilder, then a super-famous hollywood actor, then the governor of the great state of California. This book chronicles his start from nothing and his ascent to greatness. It is a must read. Quick, fun and inspiring.
The Millionaire Fastlane: Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime – by MJ DeMarco. This is the best business book ever written and is a must read for any entrepreneur or aspiring entrepreneur. I read this book on an airplane headed to the Philippines and the lessons in the book stuck to me like glue. Eye-opening book and a must read for entrepreneurs.
The 4-Hour Work Week: Escape the 9-5, Live Anywhere and Join the New Rich – by Tim Ferris. This book literally changed my life. I thought I was tied to the USA forever, I finished reading this book and immediately bought a plane ticket to destiny. I haven't looked back since reading this book. This book honestly, truly changed my life. If it weren't for this book, I may not know how truly easy it is to travel to other countries. Before I read this book, I had no idea that you could travel so freely, cheaply and easily and I had NO IDEA you could pay for it all with internet businesses that you could run from anywhere in the world. This book was groundbreaking when it was released and it will always be remembered as a classic.
How to Get Rich: One of the World’s Greatest Entrepreneurs Shares His Secrets - by Felix Dennis. I don't remember anything about this book other than how much I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I know the guy who wrote it was a billionaire in the magazine publishing industry but that's all I really recall. Yes, I said billions from magazines. Those days are long gone though, the money is in online content not in paper magazines. Great, fun book just don't ask me to give you a synopsis.
The Laws of the Ring – by Urijah Faber. This book is completely overlooked but if you want to build a business around YOU, INC. then this book is a must read. I read this in Vietnam. Sometimes you read books and they just click with you. This one clicked with me. Faber is a pro MMA fighter who opened a gym and recruited other fighters to his gym. I recruited other blogs to my team. Faber is also the first person I ever saw or heard talk about You, Inc.
Gorilla Mindset – by Mike Cernovich. I'm not biased because a good friend of mine wrote this book, I'm biased because it's a masterpiece. The ultimate book about changing your mindset to change your life. It's all about mindset and this book teaches you how to control and conquer your mindset.
How to Stop Worrying and Start Living – I had previously read Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People and thought it was good, but not a masterpiece for me. This one, however, was excellent. I could barely put it down it was so quick to read. This is how books should be written – flowing, easy to read, captivating and leaves you feeling better and understanding more about life.
The Art of the Deal – by Donald Trump. This book was a huge influence on me in my previous career (long before B&D;). This book fired me up wildly. Trump's mindset is contagious and this book is a motivational masterpiece. Easy read, it flows very well, and by then end you will be fired up.
Face the Music: A Life Exposed – This book by Paul Stanley from KISS is fantastic. Stanley was born with only one ear and he went on to become one of the most famous rock n roll singers of all time. He did it with only one ear, never being able to hear from his deformed (missing) ear. Great motivational book and quick, fun read.
Shogun – by James Clavell. Shogun is the only fiction book on this list but there's a lot you can learn from it. If I were to have to describe it, I would call it a Robert Greene book come to life (Greene wrote the 48 Laws of Power and the 33 Strategies of War). At over 1,000 pages this book will take a while to read. But when you get to the end, it will all be worth it. So much to learn about power and strategy in this fantastic novel. Fantastic, must read.
Straight from the Underground – The new underground bodybuilding bible (covers everything “taboo”).
Once again, it's saddening to see that B&D has shut down but all good things eventually come to an end. Victor has his journey and we have our own. Thank you trying to look up on him even after all these years.